
Monday, August 15, 2016

Pattern Review: My Favorite Skirt (Simplicity 2257)

Every so often in life, you find something that just... Works for you. Maybe it's your Starbucks order. Or your preferred underwear style. Or your favorite new cuisine. This is one of those things for me: my favorite skirt pattern.

I actually picked this up for a basic sewing class I needed to complete one of my costuming certificates. The class required we chose from a list of patterns, and I selected this one because it was the only one the Joann's I went to had in my size.

It turned out to be my favorite skirt of all time.

The image of maximum perfection.

I've used it several times to make some personal skirts directly from the pattern, and then altered the length to make the pleather skirt in my circus costume from Costume College and the skirt for Flemeth.

Same Skirt, Different Lengths.

Pattern: Simplicity 2257
View(s): D, E, and C
Size(s): 22, 18 and 16
Fabric(s) Used: Cotton, Linen, Pleather, Upholstry

Clearness of Instructions: 5/5

This pattern is part of Simplicity's " Easy-To-Sew" collection, which is probably why it was suggested for the sewing class I was taking. It is an excellent pattern to learn on: it clearly explains how piping is done, and how to insert a zipper. All of the views are very neatly explained, and the instructions are well organized.

Ease of Assembly: 5/5 

There are only a few pieces to this pattern, so you aren't handling a lot of moving parts. Because most of the edges are flat or only slightly curved, you won't be fighting your fabric through your construction, and the design lends itself well to having the zipper and piping inserted.

Quality of Fit: 5/5 

Alright. Look at the sizes made section at the top of the review. See the wide range of sizes there? When I first made this pattern, I was towards the top end of this pattern's size limit. Now, I'm at the bottom limit of this pattern's size range. It still looks fantastic, in any size I make it. The grading on the pattern is excellent. The width of the waistband ensures a comfortable secure fit, and the skirt is not so flared that you need to worry about it blowing around too much in windy weather.

Is There A Better Way?/Alterations for Others: 5/5

This pattern alters remarkably well. I've decreased the width of the waistband (I remember cutting it down from the top), shortened the skirt hem, lengthened the skirt hem, used unrecommended fabrics (see: my pleather circus skirt) and altered the width (both outwards and inwards) and it just... Works. This skirt is an all purpose day dream.

Overall: 20/20, A+

If you are looking for an all around good skirt, I 100% recommend this pattern. Its comfortable and easy to use, an excellent place to start with learning to sew or to crank out a quick and excellent skirt. 

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Instagram: @fablerenowncostumes

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